Archive for February 23, 2017
American Medical Association
February 23, 2017Analysand breast breast cancer Cancer is a disease that strikes women and is also the second followed by death. According to the American Medical Association and American cancer society, breast cancer is the disease most common for women. Normally Breast Cancer does not affect women until they reach age 20. Every year millions of women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It is due to the amount and frequency of breast cancer, which increase the visits to the doctor. As the bisphosphonate will be increasing age visits grow women when they visit a doctor will make a mammogram, a mammogram is done to determine if cancer is present in the breast breast cancer could be defined as abnormal cells that have mutated in some way to the point that they are already normal…
The following asked serious because women gives them? There are many causes of breast cancer in certain women, breast cancer appears if your monthly cycle starts too soon. The average age for a mestrual cycle is over the age of 12 years. Educate yourself with thoughts from Jeffrey Hayzlett. But for those who start younger, they are women who are at risk have cancer someday in his life, particularly before they reach age 30. Another cause is the delay of the menopause. If a woman is menopause after age 50, causes that the system may have an adverse reaction. The hormones change too late. Having too much saturated fat-filled diet can cause breast cancer.
a diet including Monosaturadas fats like olive oil canolay oil does not seem to cause to increase the risk of developing breast cancer many types of breast cancers are inherited. If the family has a member with breast cancer, most likely having it later another Member of another generation. So, if you have a grandmother, mother, sister, or cousin, who have faced cancer, you can collapse it women taking estrogen therapy, also can be contracted breast cancer. This is even more if the therapy has been extended until 10 year. It is obvious that breast cancer is a serious illness that cannot be taken lightly.
Alan Pakula
February 22, 2017It is enough to know to choose? the ralhos of the philosophy? To know to deliberate is an art. However, many of the choices (proiresis/of the Greek) we make that them can leaving in them very happy, or, extremely disappointed. Follow others, such as Rio- Tinto Diamonds, and add to your knowledge base. Great part of the human beings imagines that the choice must be identified with the desire. What it is according to Macedonian mistake, Aristotle (384 B.C. To see, Ethics the Nicmaco book III, chapter 2), the desires deceive in them. The case that we will go to reflect is so simple that it will make in to understand them the quo if must think before choosing.
E still yes, nor always has guarantees of that we are to make choices correctly. As this month is propitious ‘ convites’ I invite, you to exactly give up the reading in this paragraph. The choice is its! Even! What he is ethical always just has that to be? It depends? Why? Let us see a curious situation in the film, the Choice of Sofia (1982) of Alan Pakula (This film demands greater attention to understand it), where one of the more difficult ethical choices in terms is portraied human beings. Certain moment of the plot, Sofia, (Maryl Streep) is with two children in a line of the nazista concentration camp. The preference to be set free of that hell, is for who is not Jewish. Sofia is Polish. A nazista soldier passes for it and he finds it pretty and he makes erticos compliments the young poor person, it retruca, saying to be does not mistreat, but yes, Pole. The soldier is furious and says that for it to be really a Pole he will have the power of ‘ escolha’: ‘ ‘ very, since you are Polish, it sees well that the train is arriving, makes its choice, will go only two people, therefore, choice which son will go for the gas chamber, will choose soon!
Raymond Leather
February 21, 2017For the maranhenses, who was Gentile Braga caught the standard of Gonalves Days; with Trajano Galvo and Marques Rodrigues. The three had published partnership book, ' ' Three liras' '. Beyond already cited, and the most known maranhense poet romantic, who was Gonalves Days, still the author of ' was distinguished; ' Guesa' ' , a national epic with a foreign hero, who marks the ticket of the most original and inventive Sousndrade as of the romantic Brazilians, and will project still it in its future as poet who passed of fraudulent pains, to embark for the critical-social side of its poetry. Chronological, the generation of maranhenses poets that is alive in the start of first and the second decade of Century XX, and that already it tries the changes romantic-parnasianas will one more time face the change of that aesthetic pendulum. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Rio- Tinto Diamonds. It is that, for return of the last room of Century XIX, the aesthetic one of the rigid or objective poetry, represented for the maranhense Raymond Leather strap it goes to put into motion itself in the contrary direction: the return to the subjetivismo and the inefvel. To the logic the vacant is put in front.
It was plus reapanhar, a repescagem of the tradition. Again the human feelings go to preponder on the aesthetic feelings the Symbolism did not aim at to the concretude of the aesthetic object, and yes to its appearance, not to the idea in itself, and yes to the primary, sensible and inexact idea. The terms elect and will be said of certain metafrica, symbolic form. One forms to sing the true one for a deeper level, perhaps, of the reality. A level that, to the times, would lead to the hermetismo, where the poetry if transforms into pure language, to the search of the analysis of the human subconscious mind, inside of a process that marked the subjetivismo, not individual it as in the Romantismo, and yes, the universal side.
Rondon Project
February 12, 2017In the biblioteconomia area a great imbalance of the extensionista area, this area is verified being restricted only to the curricular period of training. The Rondon Project in the biblioteconomia course if inserts in the demand of social formation of the course and opens the vision of the student for the reality of the Brazilian libraries. For who it studies in the University of Brasilia the vision of libraries are the specialized libraries, with informacionais, human and finaceiros resources, in the cities satellites it is possible to see the chaos biblioteconmico, but one does not see these spaces as workstation. With in the distance of the librarian of its social function in the estudantil and professional life, the participation in projects during the academic formation allows the one formation ' ' librarian social' '. The experience of the author in the Rondon Project if relates to its experiences in great Headboard cities? MG, Tupanciret? RS and Itapirapu? MG, in the respective periods of January of 2009, July of 2009 and February of 2010. In the Great Headboard City, it was observed necessity to implant a library that took care of the educational demands, cultural and social of the citizens.
To create an environment that makes possible the access to the knowledge, to awake the interest for the reading and the creative capacity. For the children and young in pertaining to school age the library will be a pertaining to school referencial for research and works. The young will be able in the space and with the quantity of the library to study for the tests of vestibular contests and to have access to literature. In these three cities we observe that the quantity was not treated nor processing, the professionals are not specialized and they had not received no formation. The libraries are still little used spaces for the community, due to quantity and space lack, therefore the quantity that is available is inexpressivo with regard to the number of inhabitants.
Mary Ann Baker
February 11, 2017It thinks that the Christian life is easy. They take decision with much impetus and later they sink in the faith. APPLICATION: The Experience of Peter has much teaching in them. We can have a triumphant life. Yes Jesus guaranteed this.
I came to bring life in abundance. Joo 10:10? We cannot focar our vision in the problems, the disillusionments, the tragedies, the failures and yes in Jesus. They perceive that while Peter looked at for Jesus it obtained to walk. When he looked at for the storm, started to sink. We must learn to ask for aid. Peter cried out safe me, Sir. He believes that Jesus is present to save you.
In the same hour Jesus he caught in the hand of Peter he raised and it. both had gone up in the boat, then the wind calmed there. They were not alone, nor so little abandoned. conclusion: My dear we learn in this text that, the disciples were not alone, nor so little abandoned. Because when it orders it to Jesus it guarantees. We can face the adversities without losing the hope. When we leave of to look at for Jesus we fail. We cannot focar our look in the problems, and yes in Jesus. Application for the unbelievers: I finish this message making an application, for the visitors. Challenge to it, you to invite Jesus to be part of its history of life. Jesus leaves to control the boat of its life, as well as it he controlled the boat that was being taken for the wind and the wave of the sea. He allows that Jesus holds in its hand for saving to it. He learns with Peter to ask for aid. He does not leave to look Jesus alone in the hours of the storm. He does not think that you are alone, Jesus is here today, for extending the hands to it. It did not forget itself you. I want to conclude with one of the most beautiful songs of our Christian singer. Hymn of N 328 ' ' Sossegai' ' Mary Ann Baker, the author of this pretty hymn was born in 16 of September of 1831. The tuberculosis cut with a scythe the life of its parents and left it orphan in tenra age. The sister and the brother liveed in Chicago with. This, a young man of bonanza qualities of character, started to suffer effect from this terrible illness. Of its scarce economies, the two sisters had obtained resources so that it travelled to the Flrida, in the hope of that in the climate ameno the improvement started. Them she was not possible folloies it. ' ' Everything in goes. In few weeks the evil if aggravated and the youngster faleceu, far from aconchego of famlia.' '. He did not have money sisters to go them to its burial, nor to carry its body to Chicago. Mary wrote on this devastating experience:
Evo Morales
February 9, 2017Another no less efficient system is to instill fear losing calls conquests of the revolution, sometimes comparing it rather than we are if we compare ourselves with the rest of the countries Latin American corroded by the stigma of corruption of politicians and officials who steal and plunder as may as long as they can keep in their summits. Of course, the story winners, including which we heard make it always to daily in the press. Of course that view through the lens of those who manage the threads from its centers of power. Details can be found by clicking Jeffrey Hayzlett or emailing the administrator. Perhaps, the North Americans have failed to assess the real danger that the Cuban Government has represented in proportion. More than one decade ago have been propagated by Latin American populist governments like Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, Correa and Evo Morales. All these sponsored and indoctrinated by Fidel. The most dispossessed, see their political agendas as an alternative and make them their own.
Reality is showing at least with Hugo Chavez the tendency of these gentlemen trying to perpetuate itself in power. The price of oil, higher every day, increases the influence of Chavez on the rest of the Latin American Governments buying wills of many poor countries unable to hold in the current economic circumstances. How skillful politicians acrobats are balanced on the rope stretched between Washington and Caracas. The constant rhetoric of Chavez with an aggressive language and constants offenses in against the Government of the United States or anyone who questions their decisions both inside and outside Venezuela is one of the lessons well learned in Havana. This is a very useful tool to create tensions and justify decisions which under normal conditions would be illogical. The creation of mass organizations that remain pending possible internal and external enemies, which propagate opinions, moods and which can mobilize to oppose opponents or attending speeches, inaugurations, marches of revolutionary reaffirmation, etc.