Archive for December 25, 2013
Alzheimer Brain
December 25, 2013My work with aged in a house home lives deeply and it of the suffering of the families in not knowing as to treat and to coexist the relatives with this pathology despertou the interest for this subject still little known. The objective of this work was to know the difficulties that the familiar ones find in the convivncia with the sick person with Alzheimer and the reasons that takes them the institutionalization, to know the signals and symptoms of the Illness of Alzheimer; to raise the reasons that the institutionalization of the patient with OF takes., with support of a revision of literature and research of field. 2.0. CONTEXTUALIZAO 2.1. Description and concept The illness of Alzheimer was described in 1906 for the psychiatrist and German neuropatologista Alois Alzheimer when making an autopsy, discovered in the brain of the deceased, injuries that nobody never had seen before.
One was about a problem of the neurons, which seemed atrophied in some places of the brain, and full of strange plates and twisted staple fibres, enroscadas ones in the others. The D.A also known as dementia, is a degenerative illness of the brain, whose cells if spoil of slow and gradual form, provoking an atrophy of the brain. The illness affects the memory and the mental functioning also being able to lead to other problems, such as confusion, changes of mood and disorientation in the time and the space. The illness makes to diminish the capacity of a person to take care of of the hygiene, of clothes, to manage its emotional and professional life, not knowing to write and nor to make simple and elementary accounts. The illness of Alzheimer is not infectious nor contagious, is a terminal illness that cause a general deterioration of the health. However, the cause of more frequent death is the pneumonia, because to the measure that the illness progresses the imunolgico system it is grown worse, and appears loss of weight, that increases the risk of infections of the throat and the pulmes (Axe, 2002 Dunkin, 1998).
December 17, 2013Identification the identification is defined as ' ' reinforcement of auto-estima' ' of a person or group. This is a sufficiently common method, through the formation of a real or imaginary alliance with some person or group. It happens, frequent, and especially, with unsafe people. A person can join it to a esportiva team — to the one flock of fanatic — a group of vandals — to the one fraternity — or same to the one healthful social group to feel itself important through the symbolism that the group represents. Displacement Displacement is defined as ' ' to deviate feelings emocionais' ' (generally anger and fear) of its original source to substitute a target. The children can attend in its homes the father to be brave with the mother.
The mother, then plays its anger in the son, this in turn, deducts in its new sister, the sister new kicks the dog, and the dog bites the cat. rsrs. Projection Projection is defined as ' ' to attribute its proper thoughts, feelings intentions for the Outro.' ' This characteristic is not uncommon, and all, probably, already they had testified this. An irritated man can accuse the others to be hostile and aggressive, when it who is in the truth. Another example can be an outlaw to be always under the impression of that everybody is to watch it.
Regression Regression is defined as ' ' a reversion for the standards of immature behavior (infantile). ' ' It has many examples of this (and all we know some of that we are guilty). One of the examples could be an adolescent to come back to have an infantile behavior to receive affection and attention from its parents. Formation of Reaction Is one of the older mechanisms of defense and implies in a completely contrary behavior to the form as the person if it feels truily.
Marketing Facebook
December 7, 2013She makes attractive biography, says who you truily is, its hobbies, its qualifications, what you have of better offering the people, something that goes of meeting to the necessities of them. She only shows that you are human. She shares excellent content for its niche of market, something that goes to help the people, who go to lead improvement for the life of them, this is excellent isca so that they start to know you better and to trust you. It shows for the people who you are there for helping and not only to gain money. This is one of the principles of the Facebook Marketing.
It looks for to keep contact with the leaders related to its niche of market, participates of the groups related to its business massive, changing information, participating of debates. s. It creates a stronger relation with the people who have interests in common. But it is not enough to have attractive profile and interesting, she is necessary to be participativo. It verifies its pages daily, it answers the messages, it takes off the doubts of its prospects, makes commentaries. If you intend to become a leader this you are a task that if makes necessary, therefore if the head of the group is not giving to support actively to its members with all certainty this group will die quickly. Leading in consideration that nowadays exists 600 million active users in the Facebook of the one to imagine dimension that can reach a Facebook efficient Marketing. Being able to become its main strategy of marketing. I wait that it has liked this tip! To ours $uce$$o! It has one week illuminated! PS: In case that it wants to know more on the subject to gain money in the Internet, blog has access mine