Archive for October 24, 2014
October 24, 2014Everything still, everything quiet, until the mailbox is more vacuum that usual, thing that surprises me really must be heavy dedicated to filling trash mail also are running out of budget, something that it is worthy of being held. Nothing special Wednesday except the next arrival of the summer school holidays and little else, so yes with a bit of luck politicians will also go on vacation and leave tangle a few days, although the country not noticing too. I love it when summer arrives and all down his rhythm of tension because they are thinking about other things lighter, in a few days will begin snakes of summer in press. More than one this year it won’t be going on holiday as yesteryear, change its shelter for something simpler, perhaps a chaise lounge under a pine tree, the crisis continues its course taking ahead everything what is within your reach. The sandwich at the bar of next to the radio still costing six euros, which may be considered a fortune, or at least so I think this for times of crisis like the current ones. Admit that I want to finish the season in the radio, luckily missing each day less, the season is being durillo by anything that the promotion departments of publishers have decided to make something more access to its products with the excuse of the retrenchment of promotion due to the blissful crisis. While the pyramid scams boys are the only ones who do not lose the hope of capturing some cousin more in times of crisis the scammers are the most quiet are because many will fall into their prey networks of promises of easy money. The crisis makes people make some decisions a bit strange and sometimes fall into networks and bad companies, without thinking too much about the subsequent consequences. Admit the crisis beyond me, I understand it and understand it but overwhelms me, me stressed and it has managed to take some aversion to economic supplements that seemed so interesting me long ago. The numbers in times of crisis are more friendly in the world and you will notice it too since they are something undeniable. Frankly there are days to deal with the crisis that surrounds us is a little worrying, because it is everywhere and can be seen in all aspects of life. Original author and source of the article.
National Museum
October 21, 2014However, they had a (done behind the Castle) passage that strategically communicating its whereabouts with the Vipava Valley. This Valley is located thirty kilometers and is very rich in vegetables, fruit and cereals. Everything seemed to be solved until a servant denounced him and was killed with a powerful cannon shot while he rested. As all element become legend, it has your brand today, so that, in honour of Erasmus, the celebration of a tournament takes place. Prior to this episode, this site had different masters who lived there. We can access in several ways to the cave that is installed behind the construction.
The most famous entrance is stable, that the simplest results also. There are remnants that come from the age of copper, of Roman and late stone age. This shows in addition to how its inhabitants were able to guard against enemy attack. Although many of the elements and works that were able to be there, today look them exposed in the National Museum of Ljubljana, we can delight us during the visit with oil paintings, a collection of weapons, objects typical of the era and a sculpture of La Piedad that dates back to the year 1420. The building shows the intelligence of your construction with regard to the exploitation of natural spaces since all nook formed naturally has been tapped for everyday purposes.
So, it has rock steps, passages and inner galleries that allow at the top are having a natural water supply circuit. Among the facilities it has a chapel, residential stays and a Dungeon. Touring not only we delve into the history of past centuries, but in a world of fantasies and legends that allows, on the other hand, we get into the lifestyle of men of yesteryear. A few years ago, the visit to the Castle boasts a guidebook that explains and gives a historical context to the newcomers that made the circuit in very small groups. Some reasons maintain relationship with the internal temperature and the interior space, as well as good physical condition to be able to cross it to fund. Official site provides information for guided tours, among other data. Warns us there, in addition, to get to know all environments must be having a special team. Moreover, in winter not accessible is where as it has a colony of bats, they are hibernating. Also interesting the possibility of trekking, since here we have many roads and signposted circuits leading to dream forests. Article written by, hotel reservations in Slovenia.
The Man And The Environment
October 16, 2014This year (2010) made eighteen of the accomplishment of ECO-92 or RIO-92 (Second World-wide Conference on the Environment), that it happened in Rio De Janeiro. The first one was in 1972 in the city of Estocolmo. The RIO-92 was a super event that congregated sets of ten of heads of States and Governments of the entire world, of which they had signed diverse treat and agreements committing itself in the preservation to the nature, thus guaranteeing, the support ecolgica' ' so spoken and so dreamed. Among others actions, had waked up in diminishing the release of CFC (Chlorine-Fluorine-Carbon) in the atmosphere, therefore the CFC is highly harmful for the ozone layer (gas that filters the solar rays with the function to protect the planet); one another agreement signed in the RIO-92 was the commitment of the countries in promoting the call sustainable development. In 2002, the ONU carried through the Third World-wide Conference on the Environment, the Rio+10 in the South Africa, the lecturers had evidenced that in ten years little thing moved, the degradation continues in all part of the world. However, small improvements had been perceived (as example the reduction of CFC in the atmosphere), this are an important signalling, but it does not mean commitment with the ambient cause necessarily, as much on the part of the countries central offices as on the part of the peripheral countries, since other types of pollution and degradation had increased significantly. It is known that since Daily pay-history, the biosfera has suffered diverse modifications in its natural state, becoming each more dangerous time the survival human being. ' is perceived that; ' the simple presence of the man in the natural way already is an impact, therefore the act to extract the necessary minimum for its survival characterizes in impact ambiental' '. In Brazil the thing was not different of the remaining portion of the planet, the country has suffered with the ambient degradaes since century XVI, as example has it almost total destruction of the Atlantic bush (today they remain only about 7% of the original bush), and the mineral explorations, over all in the states of the region Amazonian and center-south of the country.
Leadership Time
October 14, 2014A few weeks ago I was invited to give a seminar on how to take advantage of the time, a group of executives in Dallas, Texas. I am sure that all attendees were expecting a conference with ideas, or strategies, to manage an agenda, how to use assertive communication in their presentations, and how to be effective in its leadership with its team of subordinates; but the reality was different and I do not regret having prepared a different seminar for this group of executives. When I began my talk I said these words: I want to share with you how to take advantage of life; because life is the time; and if I properly take life; I’m taking advantage of correctly time. In my career as a coach in themes of competitiveness, finance and leadership I have seen a phenomenon in many top executives that has to do with the good management of the time, the true quality of life and leadership; and about that phenomenon I want to talk to you dear reader on this occasion. Almost always when referring to the topic of the time management speaks at corporate level, but what is wrong with the time management for? do enjoy good health, enjoy family time, or simply have time for emotional development itself, intellectual, and professional? When I took the decision to start the Foundation Axel Pineda did it thinking of taking a clear and inspiring message in four areas which are: spiritual, physical, financial, and family; because definitely the health in the individual’s life, depends on the ability to manage the time in each of these areas. Over the years; When I teach diplomas, workshops, seminars in various parts of the world moves me the fact that men very successful financially speak me of their physical diseases, their family failures, especially with his sons express me problems having to do with his emotional state by situations that have had to face by mistakenly handling time.
The Future
October 13, 2014In previous stock depressions, as in 30 to 80 the P/E reached even 6. To get to that level, the S & P 500 should be at 400 points and the DJIA at 4,000, 40% below current values. Alarming, but not impossible in the current context. It is then time to get the hell to buy? Does not seem to be it. Bad news keep coming, but that is not the problem that the market fails to break away from the minimum but still searching for them.
There is a deep feeling of bear market (bassist), who salvage the economy plans do not seem to excite, nor money seems to reach. In a bear market like the current one, no matter what kind of news is announced, both good and bad will do to the stock market collapse. When the market manages to find an apartment and begins to form a trend of suba, the good news is capitalised driving up the market, and bad will pass virtually unnoticed, either will not impact to the extent that investors expect. It is that during times of investor panic, psychological sentiment is so strong that he manages to knock down any good data economic or rise in the profits of enterprises, and thus the public follows assets, underestimating the potential good news for the economy. But when this feeling beat is achieved, giving rise to greater optimism and more favourable prospects about the future on investor mind, by more prevailing negativity in economic data, these won’t spread to the market. And that this is precisely the moment that the investor world is waiting. We must be vigilant not to the economic news, but to how the market receives them. Corporate profits of the S & P 500 may fall 35 per cent in the first quarter and by 15% in 2009, according to estimates by analysts compiled by Bloomberg.