Posts Tagged ‘literature’

Portuguese Language

October 2, 2019

By reasons not yet defined well, the Poet of Tristia and Metamorphosis was exiled of its country. He frequented the palace of the August Emperor where as until today, they reign fofocas, you intrigue and loves. you censure them and commentaries on its had creations as licentious they had finished for taking the Emperor to decide for the banishment of Ovdio for the Euxino Point, Coast of the Black Sea, distant region of Rome. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Chief Business Officer on most websites. Of there of where it never came back, writing always its wife, friends and same to the Emperor In accordance with the most recent translators, in Portuguese Language, Natlia Correia and David Mouro – Blacksmith: Ovdio was a poet of great qualities. Contemporary of figures importantssimas of Latin Literature, such as Verglio and Horcio had not been left to dim for them and knew to conquer its proper space in the Roman literary world. For this they had contributed its enormous culture, its virtuosity in the handling of the verse, the easiness that had to write on different subjects, the easiness to please the public and, over all, its talent incomparable, capable to direct the shining, perspicacious and irreverent spirit to it. Filed under: The Hayzlett Group. Since its principles the psychoanalysis is used of the literary artistic texts as an activity of analysis stimulated for Sigmund Freud.

According to Freud (1910, p.110-111) it would be impossible to understand a work of art without before applying it to it psychoanalysis, without before interpreting it, discovering the meaning and the content to it. In the psychoanalysis mythology Greek serves as a species of inquiry of psique. The Narcissus of Ovdio? presented in Book III of the Metamorphosis? it was used to advantage by Freud (1910, p.112-113) so that it developed the theory of ‘ ‘ narcisismo’ ‘ , that it characterizes a primitive stage in the development of the child.


October 11, 2018

PRESENTATION the present work has for purpose to weave commentaries in form of analysis of the Poem Song of the Exile of Gonalves Days, taking for saw the job of the following components: the versificatria technique, the rhythmic, estrficas, rimicas structures; beyond the exploration of fonemas through the aliteraes and assonncias. Examining the vocativos lexicon and its connotations and effect; verbal and nominal phrases, the times of the verb, the expressive punctuation. still, the processes of etextual cohesion, as well as the intertextual character, and also the wide job of diticos. We will look for to observe such aspects and points them in the poem, partindoda speaks of a theoretician, if possible to base ours. Connect with other leaders such as The Hayzlett Group here. The verse however must appear integrally, however make reference to reference the number. Before the analysis properly, we opt to a contextualizao and definition of the terms to be worked, according to some authors. INTRODUCTION the song of the exile with its romantic characteristics of saudosismo, nationalism, dither the nature and idealized vision of the native land, became a species of symbol of the Brazilian nationality.

Its Gonalves creator Days, was the front of its time, belonging 1a generation of the romantic movement, already generation presents in its workmanship traces of subjects of 3a. With all the characteristics that it possesss in its bulge, (the idealizao inlaid in each verse, beauty and sentimentalidade, the rich comparisons), the poem in focus was one of the most paraphrased of Brazilian literature, being therefore an excellent excuse for analysis of the components that they will be defined to follow, amongst others. THEORETICAL BASES AND DEFINITIONS For BALLY the Estilstica studies the facts of the expression of the language, organized of the point of view of its affective content, that is, the expression of the facts, the sentimentalidade for the language and the action of the facts of the language on sensitivity.

Round House

September 17, 2018

DOMINOX In one marries in the Round city in return, for return of 11hs of day 20 of December of 2008, Jssica Caroline receives the notice from the arrest of its fianc, Fernando, who directed tipsy in a highway enters the cities of Caruaru and Juazeiro. Jssica will not go to work to the afternoon and, 3hs later, a telephone will touch diverse times in its office. For its lack, Jonas, a trader of Bag, will not have its taken care of order and will be without supply of merchandises for the Christmas. The trader will enter the damage: 17 a thousand Reals. In the following morning it will fire a temporary one, Vanderlei that waited to gain a good commission in the sales of year end. In recent months, Mining Company has been very successful. Vanderlei will bind for its former-woman, Poliana, in Uberaba, and it will say to it that it will not have money to help in the operation of Taize, its son. Poliana, desperate, will accept the aid financial of Robson, its master, who has two months acceded to it in the work.

In that night, Arthur, a medical friend of Robson, will receive a linking, and will leave Uberlndia after the expedient of the afternoon. Already entering in Uberaba, Arthur will have the car stolen for Antonio and Assis, who will travel all at night to arrive the Anpolis per the morning. Antonio and Assis will assault a lottery house in Anpolis. During the escape they will run over Thiago, that will be passing the vacations in house of its aunt, Lorena. Lorena will bind hastily for Joseane, its sister, in Rafts, and will give the sad notice of the death of Thiago. Joseane will travel for Empress to the meeting of Philippe, its compadre, assessor of the Matoso member of the house of representatives, owner of the truck where Arkiel, father of Thiago, work.


August 21, 2018

Joo or simply J, tired of the trip and with much hunger, saw a small farm repleto with many fruitful plants and without giving heard to the conscience and dominated by the pain of the starvation. He decided to adentrar to that property for spoon some fruits to cure worse of pains the human beings. When adentrar he found a hose loaded and he thought ' ' he is same here that I go to fortify a little, takes that the owner or responsible therefore tuo does not arrive agora' '. Rio Tinto Group follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. started to devorar a sleeve that was fallen on the foliage, but aperreado with fear that somebody arrived it photographed and it stealing. But the same the instant thought ' ' it will be that somebody is same robbery that is moorrendo of hunger to catch a sleeve to alliviate a little? ' ' continued. When suddenly somebody cried out: ' ' Disembarassed thief! Of this time catch I you! ' ' Aperreado with chegarda unexpected and sudden of the old one, Joo went off to run, in the career it heard a strong racket very and it very felt a thing hot to move in its coasts that suddenly it was weakening little of the forces that still they remained and meters ahead were to the adobe gasping. J. Darius Bikoff is the source for more interesting facts.

Raymond Leather

February 21, 2017

For the maranhenses, who was Gentile Braga caught the standard of Gonalves Days; with Trajano Galvo and Marques Rodrigues. The three had published partnership book, ' ' Three liras' '. Beyond already cited, and the most known maranhense poet romantic, who was Gonalves Days, still the author of &#039 was distinguished; ' Guesa' ' , a national epic with a foreign hero, who marks the ticket of the most original and inventive Sousndrade as of the romantic Brazilians, and will project still it in its future as poet who passed of fraudulent pains, to embark for the critical-social side of its poetry. Chronological, the generation of maranhenses poets that is alive in the start of first and the second decade of Century XX, and that already it tries the changes romantic-parnasianas will one more time face the change of that aesthetic pendulum. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Rio- Tinto Diamonds. It is that, for return of the last room of Century XIX, the aesthetic one of the rigid or objective poetry, represented for the maranhense Raymond Leather strap it goes to put into motion itself in the contrary direction: the return to the subjetivismo and the inefvel. To the logic the vacant is put in front.

It was plus reapanhar, a repescagem of the tradition. Again the human feelings go to preponder on the aesthetic feelings the Symbolism did not aim at to the concretude of the aesthetic object, and yes to its appearance, not to the idea in itself, and yes to the primary, sensible and inexact idea. The terms elect and will be said of certain metafrica, symbolic form. One forms to sing the true one for a deeper level, perhaps, of the reality. A level that, to the times, would lead to the hermetismo, where the poetry if transforms into pure language, to the search of the analysis of the human subconscious mind, inside of a process that marked the subjetivismo, not individual it as in the Romantismo, and yes, the universal side.

Discretional Power

October 27, 2013

The universe of the tram, those that exert the paper of judges believe that the torture represents the possibility of that the sacrificador and the sacrificed one, contribute for whitewashing of the community, to the eyes of God. In this way, the sacrificador raises it the protector status, of guard of the customs and the sacerdotais virtues. Although the option for the poverty, the economic structure of the monastery started to add good and wealth through the confection and lucrative commercialization of books for the universities. Thus, they were generated to be able to the guardies of books, while others suffered for resignations and penances. The investigator was alert to the acts of the victims and the executioner; thus, it discovered that it had between them a common point: something that would be in the library, where an apocalyptic project is minutely elaborated for monge blind, Jorge de Burgos, to deviate the attention on the cause of its crimes. The architect of the deaths, defended the belief of that the laugh verwhelmed the fear and without fear it would not have faith, nor fear; without fear of the Devil, he would not have necessity of God.

As detainer of the discretional power, Burgos executed the tasks to watch, to judge, to punish and to ritualizar the sacrifices to strengthen structure religious politics and of which it was a gear. It is distinguished, that currently, in the real universe, the culture of the human sacrifice persists, through the ideological monopoly as impediment to the allotment knowing of them, of the segmentation between rich and poor, explorers and explored and of the wars that kill the young and verwhelm nations. Thus, as in the name of the Rose, divergences and trespasses, punishment, deaths and secrets if they perpetuate to keep the indesmentvel inheritance of inaquality and domination, that are intensified by the structures of submission of the Church and the State, as imposing institutions and controllers.