Archive for September 21, 2020
United Nations
September 21, 2020After the conclusion of this summit the poorest people of the world will continue having to face a serious risks as a result of the climatic change, like more and more severe periods of drought, floods and extreme hungers. The most powerful countries of the world had this week an opportunity without precedents to impel the global effort of answer against the threat of the global heating and significantly to reduce the risks to which faces the poorest countries. For even more details, read what Mitsubishi says on the issue. In spite of everything, Antonio Hill it declared: we valued positively that the leaders of the G-8 include themselves in the process of United Nations to fight against the climatic change and have decided to negotiate situation post-2012 within this frame. This means that the poorest countries, than also are affected by climatic change, will be able to participate in the discussion of the solutions Agrega that Hill also it indicated, that is positive that the EU, Canada and Japan have confirmed its individual commitments to restrain the carbon emissions until 2050 and which other countries have decided the necessity cuts. Oxfam the International added that the G-8 must also arrive at a commitment on the increase from the aid to the poor countries for its adaptation to the climatic change.
the eight countries represented in this forum are the top people in charge by the global heating and most able to help the poor countries to adapt to their impact, according to Antonio Hill. Esperamos that these countries arrive at a concrete financial commitment to palliate the effects of the climatic change. The poorest countries, in particular in Africa, will be incapable to support the effects that the climatic change supposes. The most preservative forecasts consider that the costs of adaptation to the climatic change in developing countries will be like minimum of 50,000 million annual dollars.
Senate Bilderberg
September 20, 2020These do not appear grouped by delegations, but by alphabetical order, something that many consider one more a test of than at the time of deciding on the international subjects the countries count less than the multinationals. In any case, in the official list they are not all the assistants, but always there is some spontaneous one, like Colin Powell, Secretary of State of EE.UU., that the past month of May saturated in Versailles to inform on the progresses in occupied Iraq. Also, some bilderbergers solicit that their names remain in the anonymity. In the last years some mass media independent they work during the previous months to the summit to discover the place of the encounter. Later they mount guard and they photograph any movement in the surroundings of the selected hotel. Those images can be seen in the Internet.
Another source important to know what is decided in Bilderberg is the filtrations of the guests, really little thanks to the well-taken care of selection of the Steering Committee. As Pepe really comments To sweep, the Bilderberg club is considered by many financial and commercial elites like the Senate of the high priests of Capitalism. You cannot solicit to be a member of such club. Every year, mysterious ” committee dirigente” it invents one lists selection of invitation with a maximum of 100 names. The location of its annual meeting is not indeed secret: they even have a main office in Leiden, the Netherlands.
But the meetings become involved in the extreme secret. The invited participants rarely reveal that they are attending. Its security is handled by the military intelligence. But what carries out really this group? Well, they speak. they lobby. They try to magnify its immense one already to be able politician, in both sides of the Atlantic. And all pawned on the absolute secret than have been discussed. Bilderberg mixes the heads of the central banks, expert in defense, barons of the press, ministers of government, prime minister international, royalty, financiers and political leaders of Europe and North America. The guests this year, along with Rumsfeld and Rep to him (North American Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz also is a member) banker David Rockefeller is including, as well as the several members of the family of Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Reina Beatriz of the Netherlands, Reina Sofia and King Juan Carlos of Spain, and civil service stops of an assortment of governments. Bilderberg does not invite – or it accepts – Asian, Average Eastern, Latin American or African.