Discretional Power

The universe of the tram, those that exert the paper of judges believe that the torture represents the possibility of that the sacrificador and the sacrificed one, contribute for whitewashing of the community, to the eyes of God. In this way, the sacrificador raises it the protector status, of guard of the customs and the sacerdotais virtues. Although the option for the poverty, the economic structure of the monastery started to add good and wealth through the confection and lucrative commercialization of books for the universities. Thus, they were generated to be able to the guardies of books, while others suffered for resignations and penances. The investigator was alert to the acts of the victims and the executioner; thus, it discovered that it had between them a common point: something that would be in the library, where an apocalyptic project is minutely elaborated for monge blind, Jorge de Burgos, to deviate the attention on the cause of its crimes. The architect of the deaths, defended the belief of that the laugh verwhelmed the fear and without fear it would not have faith, nor fear; without fear of the Devil, he would not have necessity of God.

As detainer of the discretional power, Burgos executed the tasks to watch, to judge, to punish and to ritualizar the sacrifices to strengthen structure religious politics and of which it was a gear. It is distinguished, that currently, in the real universe, the culture of the human sacrifice persists, through the ideological monopoly as impediment to the allotment knowing of them, of the segmentation between rich and poor, explorers and explored and of the wars that kill the young and verwhelm nations. Thus, as in the name of the Rose, divergences and trespasses, punishment, deaths and secrets if they perpetuate to keep the indesmentvel inheritance of inaquality and domination, that are intensified by the structures of submission of the Church and the State, as imposing institutions and controllers.
