
PRESENTATION the present work has for purpose to weave commentaries in form of analysis of the Poem Song of the Exile of Gonalves Days, taking for saw the job of the following components: the versificatria technique, the rhythmic, estrficas, rimicas structures; beyond the exploration of fonemas through the aliteraes and assonncias. Examining the vocativos lexicon and its connotations and effect; verbal and nominal phrases, the times of the verb, the expressive punctuation. still, the processes of etextual cohesion, as well as the intertextual character, and also the wide job of diticos. We will look for to observe such aspects and points them in the poem, partindoda speaks of a theoretician, if possible to base ours. Connect with other leaders such as The Hayzlett Group here. The verse however must appear integrally, however make reference to reference the number. Before the analysis properly, we opt to a contextualizao and definition of the terms to be worked, according to some authors. INTRODUCTION the song of the exile with its romantic characteristics of saudosismo, nationalism, dither the nature and idealized vision of the native land, became a species of symbol of the Brazilian nationality.

Its Gonalves creator Days, was the front of its time, belonging 1a generation of the romantic movement, already generation presents in its workmanship traces of subjects of 3a. With all the characteristics that it possesss in its bulge, (the idealizao inlaid in each verse, beauty and sentimentalidade, the rich comparisons), the poem in focus was one of the most paraphrased of Brazilian literature, being therefore an excellent excuse for analysis of the components that they will be defined to follow, amongst others. THEORETICAL BASES AND DEFINITIONS For BALLY the Estilstica studies the facts of the expression of the language, organized of the point of view of its affective content, that is, the expression of the facts, the sentimentalidade for the language and the action of the facts of the language on sensitivity.
