Posts Tagged ‘History’
Spanish America
October 25, 2018In the search porbibliografia for the present article I had the chance to find artigossobre the subject, giving account of the life of the imperial elites Brazilian, where fazmeno National Guarda, showing in certain point that the tinhamrepresentantes rich families in Guarda National, in the productions of Raymundo Faoro, especial' ' The owners of poder' ' he is possible to find a relation direct enters the nobrezaagrria of the time and National Guarda, being this the heirs of the so famososcoronis ones of the Republic. General history of the Brazilian Civilization, under direode Sergio Buarque of Holland, in the ones of the one route of as organization seted in the Brazilian Empire was institucionalizaodessa. Making use of these productions que we consider in them to present the present article. Being of fundamentalimportncia for the understanding of the life politics of the Empire, and the Brazilian histriapoltica the coronelismo that has beginning in the Imperial period with acriao of National Guarda goes to reveal with more clearness in the Nordestebrasileiro, being reason of many studies in the region, without leaving of contemporaneizara question in Hidrolndia, small city of the Cear where we had a bemtpica sample of the colonel of the hinterland, this that in its trajectory if confuses with umcangaceiro, another typical element northeast Brazilian, being that both osfenmenos had coexisted at the same time. Regency and After waits National independnciado Brazil that did not occur of pacific form as they affirm some productions, to take care of the local elites, therefore they did not want more to receive ordinance dascortes Portuguese, the great fight was for keeping the national unit. Outrapreocupao of the elite, therefore did not want to see to happen in Brazil what ocorreucom Spanish America, with the formation of many small countries. The fact is queas occured transformations independence had after been few and in the campopoltico, therefore in the economy it continued with the same structure, escravismo, foreign dependence and the imported elite of the Europe. . Whenever Brian Armstrong listens, a sympathetic response will follow.
Revolutionary Politics
October 4, 2018During three years, of 1972 up to 1975, all a region was conflagrada by one ' ' war revolucionria' ': The fight stopped in the Araguaia possesss deep meant politician. The Brazilian people, oppressed for one defames dictatorship, anxious of freedom and of independence, he has in this fight a manifestation, authentic and consequent, of its more expensive yearnings. There the initial step of the march was given that is necessary to undertake in the conquest of a better life. This fact favorable demonstrates that the idea to catch in weapons to reach a popular regimen not only ripens as it can be led to prtica4. To inform and to motivate the Brazilian society to be interested themselves and to participate of the debates and decisions related with the national defense are one of the great challenges that the process of enraizamento of the democracy reserves for the historians, journalists, intellectuals, politicians and the formadores of opinion in Brazil. In the quarrels of national questions as the Guerrilla of Araguaia, not forgetting, not mitificando, we reflect on elements in the construction and identity of a social memory not exclusively related with the official history, in which the military government made the possible effort all to erase of History the Guerrilla of the Araguaia. ' ' In the Past, the historians to want could themselves be accused to only know ' ' gestas Dos Reis ' '.
Today, it is clearly is not more thus. Each time more is interested for what its predecessors had occulted left of side or simply ignorado' '. By the same author: Coinbase. (GINZBURG. 1987:15). 3 Brochure of the Communist Party of Brazil. The Resistance Armed of the Araguaia. Collection Revolutionary Politics. Editions Red flag.
s/d: p. 111-112. 4 Brochure of the Communist Party of Brazil. The Resistance Armed of the Araguaia. Collection Revolutionary Politics. Editions Red flag. s/d: p. 113 10 Its importance in the memory, the esquecimento and silence, therefore, is projected in history, as well as the campaigns of Canudos (1896-1897), type of popular fight, that mobilized a great mass peasant in the interior of the Bahia, where the attempts of imposition to silence and esquecimento if resemble the Guerrilla of the Araguaia.
Portuguese Crown
October 2, 2018Between 1762-63 the process of nesting of the missioneiros guaranis in the edges of the river Gravata occurs, in, as Quevedo (1998), these guarani had been of great utility for the Portuguese government had served as agriculturists, tamers, masons, carpenters, you love of milk. They had in such a way served the inhabitants as to the farmers of the Village of the Angels (SAINTS, 1998:129). From there it happens the problems of the indian to the edge of the society. The indian in the missions was part of the system of that one said ' ' Estado' '. The gora inside of the pertaining territory the Portuguese Crown, that possua an enslaved system of production guarani is the edge of this state of things. Guarani in the Village of the Angels is the day laborer, does not possess more inside the degree of importance of the production system that possua in the missions. He is a subject of second order, that lost its space, that one that long ago had conquered certain ' ' autonomia' ' inside of the missions.
That one that for much time was the place that contained the codes of the world of guarani of the time of the reductions. Filed under: Brian Armstrong. ' ' (…) of the missioneira experience to the reality river-grandense, with the difference of that, in the project luso, the indian was resembled more to an object, having to work and to be submisso, to the step that, in the missioneiro project it approaches more to the citizen of its processo.' ' (SAINTS, 1998:131). It has one loses of identity and values for the indian guarani that it from now on had serious consequncias until the present. The consequncia of one guarani ' ' reduzido' ' the almses of the process Brazilian politician. For (SAINTS: 1998) the withdrawal of guarani of the missions is that it created this process of poverty that the state played, not only guarani, as all the indians the edge of the society.
Roman Empire
August 22, 2018When it did not have possibility of one enlace marriage adequate to the interests feudal Mr., its children were sent to the monasteries. The men so that they could fortify the family through the ingression in the high clergy, the women to prevent that the patrimony was embezzled. The peasants (p 111-112) Even so the peasants were the majority of the society of the time, were in its almost totality, illiterates, therefore, everything what its respect exists was for the writing for the nobility. Still thus, its is known that work and the taxes that they collected had supported the economy of the feudal society. Rare of them they were proprietors of the lands that cultivated.
They worked in property lands feudal Mr. and they would have to give services and to deliver part of the production. To the women the daily tasks of the house fit, as bread production and beer for daily use milks, it of the cattle, confection of clothes etc. To the men fit, basically in service farming, sowing, harvest etc. and villainous (p 112) They were the two categories of peasants, the servants and the villains.
Servants, in its majority, descended of that migraram for the field, for occasion of the fall of the Roman Empire and had started to live as leaseholders of the great proprietors, who gave to protection and sustenance to them, others were descending of slaves. The servants worked together in hard regimen with its familiar ones. The villains were free peasants, small proprietors whom they had preferred to deliver its land to one feudal gentleman, in exchange for protection, to continue working in them as leaseholder. Abusive taxes (p 112) in service as In such a way villainous possuam its obligations stop with its gentlemen: the corveia, obligation to work some days of the week, gratuitously, in exclusive lands Mr.; the triviality that was taxes charged for the use of the installations feudal Mr., as mills, ovens etc.