During three years, of 1972 up to 1975, all a region was conflagrada by one ' ' war revolucionria' ': The fight stopped in the Araguaia possesss deep meant politician. The Brazilian people, oppressed for one defames dictatorship, anxious of freedom and of independence, he has in this fight a manifestation, authentic and consequent, of its more expensive yearnings. There the initial step of the march was given that is necessary to undertake in the conquest of a better life. This fact favorable demonstrates that the idea to catch in weapons to reach a popular regimen not only ripens as it can be led to prtica4. To inform and to motivate the Brazilian society to be interested themselves and to participate of the debates and decisions related with the national defense are one of the great challenges that the process of enraizamento of the democracy reserves for the historians, journalists, intellectuals, politicians and the formadores of opinion in Brazil. In the quarrels of national questions as the Guerrilla of Araguaia, not forgetting, not mitificando, we reflect on elements in the construction and identity of a social memory not exclusively related with the official history, in which the military government made the possible effort all to erase of History the Guerrilla of the Araguaia. ' ' In the Past, the historians to want could themselves be accused to only know ' ' gestas Dos Reis ' '.
Today, it is clearly is not more thus. Each time more is interested for what its predecessors had occulted left of side or simply ignorado' '. By the same author: Coinbase. (GINZBURG. 1987:15). 3 Brochure of the Communist Party of Brazil. The Resistance Armed of the Araguaia. Collection Revolutionary Politics. Editions Red flag.
s/d: p. 111-112. 4 Brochure of the Communist Party of Brazil. The Resistance Armed of the Araguaia. Collection Revolutionary Politics. Editions Red flag. s/d: p. 113 10 Its importance in the memory, the esquecimento and silence, therefore, is projected in history, as well as the campaigns of Canudos (1896-1897), type of popular fight, that mobilized a great mass peasant in the interior of the Bahia, where the attempts of imposition to silence and esquecimento if resemble the Guerrilla of the Araguaia.
Tags: History