Roman Empire

When it did not have possibility of one enlace marriage adequate to the interests feudal Mr., its children were sent to the monasteries. The men so that they could fortify the family through the ingression in the high clergy, the women to prevent that the patrimony was embezzled. The peasants (p 111-112) Even so the peasants were the majority of the society of the time, were in its almost totality, illiterates, therefore, everything what its respect exists was for the writing for the nobility. Still thus, its is known that work and the taxes that they collected had supported the economy of the feudal society. Rare of them they were proprietors of the lands that cultivated.

They worked in property lands feudal Mr. and they would have to give services and to deliver part of the production. To the women the daily tasks of the house fit, as bread production and beer for daily use milks, it of the cattle, confection of clothes etc. To the men fit, basically in service farming, sowing, harvest etc. and villainous (p 112) They were the two categories of peasants, the servants and the villains.

Servants, in its majority, descended of that migraram for the field, for occasion of the fall of the Roman Empire and had started to live as leaseholders of the great proprietors, who gave to protection and sustenance to them, others were descending of slaves. The servants worked together in hard regimen with its familiar ones. The villains were free peasants, small proprietors whom they had preferred to deliver its land to one feudal gentleman, in exchange for protection, to continue working in them as leaseholder. Abusive taxes (p 112) in service as In such a way villainous possuam its obligations stop with its gentlemen: the corveia, obligation to work some days of the week, gratuitously, in exclusive lands Mr.; the triviality that was taxes charged for the use of the installations feudal Mr., as mills, ovens etc.
