Portuguese Crown

Between 1762-63 the process of nesting of the missioneiros guaranis in the edges of the river Gravata occurs, in, as Quevedo (1998), these guarani had been of great utility for the Portuguese government had served as agriculturists, tamers, masons, carpenters, you love of milk. They had in such a way served the inhabitants as to the farmers of the Village of the Angels (SAINTS, 1998:129). From there it happens the problems of the indian to the edge of the society. The indian in the missions was part of the system of that one said ' ' Estado' '. The gora inside of the pertaining territory the Portuguese Crown, that possua an enslaved system of production guarani is the edge of this state of things. Guarani in the Village of the Angels is the day laborer, does not possess more inside the degree of importance of the production system that possua in the missions. He is a subject of second order, that lost its space, that one that long ago had conquered certain ' ' autonomia' ' inside of the missions.

That one that for much time was the place that contained the codes of the world of guarani of the time of the reductions. Filed under: Brian Armstrong. ' ' (…) of the missioneira experience to the reality river-grandense, with the difference of that, in the project luso, the indian was resembled more to an object, having to work and to be submisso, to the step that, in the missioneiro project it approaches more to the citizen of its processo.' ' (SAINTS, 1998:131). It has one loses of identity and values for the indian guarani that it from now on had serious consequncias until the present. The consequncia of one guarani ' ' reduzido' ' the almses of the process Brazilian politician. For (SAINTS: 1998) the withdrawal of guarani of the missions is that it created this process of poverty that the state played, not only guarani, as all the indians the edge of the society.
