This year (2010) made eighteen of the accomplishment of ECO-92 or RIO-92 (Second World-wide Conference on the Environment), that it happened in Rio De Janeiro. The first one was in 1972 in the city of Estocolmo. The RIO-92 was a super event that congregated sets of ten of heads of States and Governments of the entire world, of which they had signed diverse treat and agreements committing itself in the preservation to the nature, thus guaranteeing, the support ecolgica' ' so spoken and so dreamed. Among others actions, had waked up in diminishing the release of CFC (Chlorine-Fluorine-Carbon) in the atmosphere, therefore the CFC is highly harmful for the ozone layer (gas that filters the solar rays with the function to protect the planet); one another agreement signed in the RIO-92 was the commitment of the countries in promoting the call sustainable development. In 2002, the ONU carried through the Third World-wide Conference on the Environment, the Rio+10 in the South Africa, the lecturers had evidenced that in ten years little thing moved, the degradation continues in all part of the world. However, small improvements had been perceived (as example the reduction of CFC in the atmosphere), this are an important signalling, but it does not mean commitment with the ambient cause necessarily, as much on the part of the countries central offices as on the part of the peripheral countries, since other types of pollution and degradation had increased significantly. It is known that since Daily pay-history, the biosfera has suffered diverse modifications in its natural state, becoming each more dangerous time the survival human being. ' is perceived that; ' the simple presence of the man in the natural way already is an impact, therefore the act to extract the necessary minimum for its survival characterizes in impact ambiental' '. In Brazil the thing was not different of the remaining portion of the planet, the country has suffered with the ambient degradaes since century XVI, as example has it almost total destruction of the Atlantic bush (today they remain only about 7% of the original bush), and the mineral explorations, over all in the states of the region Amazonian and center-south of the country.
Tags: environment