Posts Tagged ‘multilevel’
Leadership Time
October 14, 2014A few weeks ago I was invited to give a seminar on how to take advantage of the time, a group of executives in Dallas, Texas. I am sure that all attendees were expecting a conference with ideas, or strategies, to manage an agenda, how to use assertive communication in their presentations, and how to be effective in its leadership with its team of subordinates; but the reality was different and I do not regret having prepared a different seminar for this group of executives. When I began my talk I said these words: I want to share with you how to take advantage of life; because life is the time; and if I properly take life; I’m taking advantage of correctly time. In my career as a coach in themes of competitiveness, finance and leadership I have seen a phenomenon in many top executives that has to do with the good management of the time, the true quality of life and leadership; and about that phenomenon I want to talk to you dear reader on this occasion. Almost always when referring to the topic of the time management speaks at corporate level, but what is wrong with the time management for? do enjoy good health, enjoy family time, or simply have time for emotional development itself, intellectual, and professional? When I took the decision to start the Foundation Axel Pineda did it thinking of taking a clear and inspiring message in four areas which are: spiritual, physical, financial, and family; because definitely the health in the individual’s life, depends on the ability to manage the time in each of these areas. Over the years; When I teach diplomas, workshops, seminars in various parts of the world moves me the fact that men very successful financially speak me of their physical diseases, their family failures, especially with his sons express me problems having to do with his emotional state by situations that have had to face by mistakenly handling time.