This Summit will examine the subject of the present economic crisis, its effects, and the possible routes to reduce its impact on the part of the countries of the DAWN. One says, that it will be an opportunity to ratify that only through the cooperation and integration between the towns, it will be possible to leave ahead in the prevailing international situation President Chvez considers that this meeting is very going to be opportune because it will give the occasion to discuss and to take positions common to Trinidad and Tobago. Of course it looks for to put itself in agreement with the member countries of the Dawn to unify criteria, to raise a single position in favor of his interests and by all means to look for the form of how collaborating with Cuba in order to be incorporated to the OAS The president also very it is interested with case of the isolation of Cuba because of the blockade of The United States, tax of official way from 1962 and that is inflict casualties to the island by more than 93,000 million dollars, according to calculations in Havana. Cuba is the unique country of the continent absentee in the Summit of Americas, to be suspended of the Organization of States Americans (OAS) under the argument of which " is not a country; democrtico". " Cuba is a point of honor for the towns of Latin America.
No we can accept that the United States continues running over the towns of our Amrica" , it has indicated Chvez. It is not necessary to forget, that president Chvez, in addition it maintains a dynamic relation with Fidel I castrate more to who admires much, than with Raul I castrate present president. Its collaboration to the island has been very high not only with dollars, but with petroleum, aspect that has originated him many critics by the opposition, and many Venezuelans that they do not see with affection the regime politician of the island since he has been governed by almost half century.
Tags: computer science, economy