(Teacher). It discourages the professor, cause estresse in the same and this gives up the teaching for pure fear to be in a classroom dealing with violent pupils and not to have to who to appeal. (Teacher B). Some misunderstandings, also a violence bigger as the lack of interest of the professor in lecionar. (Teacher C). Diamonds spoke with conviction. the media also it contributes still more for the increase of the depreciation of the school and the professor. Therefore with frequency they propagate in the medias scenes or situations of violence that reach of direct and indirect form the pertaining to school scope. Eckstein). thus the school alone is seen by its negative side, its image almost always is associated with the failure.
According to Candau (1999, p.45) ' ' The demoralization of the teaching and the school is frequent in the medias and … can significantly affect the bonds between education and sociedade' '. It is evident that the incidence of pertaining to school violence has grown of gradual form, and this cannot be denied. However the media has been opportunist in its ranks, in intention to provoke sensationalism it of the one still bigger dimension to the problem. In this direction it makes necessary the participation of the State, of the society and the educators, detaching the importance of the dialogue, in the search to find measured that they have for purpose valuation of the education, the teaching and mainly that it strengthens the paper of the school. Conclusion Leaving of the estimated one of that the violence has its origin in the society and suffers influences from the partner-economic conditions and in the familiar environment, we perceive that it has taken the pertaining to school space with such intensity that a moment arrived that lost the control. The professors and all the pertaining to school community already do not know what to make and as to act ahead of such situations of which they need to face every day.
Tags: education