Posts Tagged ‘today’
Windows Problems
October 3, 2018To be low, generally produce depressive States and whether they are too high or they have slopes, affect health along the tiempo.* in terms of the walls should be perpendicular to the ground and smooth. Get more background information with materials from Brian Armstrong. Reliefs, edge, or columns, significantly affect the person’s emotional and physical health. This is due to that make an effect of knife, cutting the flow of energy. If your home has any of these projections, the best is cover with espejos.* it is convenient that at least in each environment one of the walls is smooth, without Windows or puertas.* in the cleaning of houses, floors it is also beneficial to be smooth and without steps, because that also produce problems economically and emocional.* doors and WindowsIt is advisable to be toward the inside of the home. If there are doors that interfere between if this leads to accidentes.* have space even small behind the doors, it is also advisable, if this space is very large, place a mirror perpendicular to the door, to circulate the energy without problemas.* If the bathroom door opens against the fourth, this can lead health and emotional problems. You can resolve by changing the room or by placing a screen, separating both cuartos.* have very small Windows, reduce the spiritual progress and hope to the inhabitants of the home doors that are at the end of a corridor for example, cause evils, as intestinal and digestivos.* the rooms must be well away from the door of the main entrance of the House; therefore in these rooms, beds must be oriented with the head northward, making diagonal with the door, and you should be able to see the door from the bed. ** The bedroom bed should not be between the door and the window or two Windows, longer than the current flowing on it, so are closed, and is not beneficial to health. By what we could locate a screen, to stop this current, between the aberturas.* in the rooms also it is not convenient that we have mirrors at sight or at the foot of the bed, nor directly face a door or window.
That the head of the bed this directed to the door of the bano.* Another issue in the cleaning of houses, It is if you want to avoid the economic problems, you must divide the environment l, by placing plants with a folding screen, so towards left as two ambientes.* nor is suitable the person that this cooking this with your back to the door of the kitchen, since this brings tensions and income problems. Placing a mirror you will see who enters and leaves, by what would improve their ingresos.* in the bathroom if we have plants, they might obstruct the flow of energy operations.* when we went to the bathroom and the first thing we see is the toilet, his family suffer health and economic problems. Why to avoid this we must place a mirror on the external side of the door and a curtain can be placed to avoid verlo.* when we speak of the dining rooms or living rooms must place parallel furniture wing wall or against them. And it is better than no seat or chair this between the door and a window.
Children Points
March 29, 2018A points programme is the systematic application of a strategy of awards that aims to initiate or increase the practice of behavior, for example: so that the child will collect room or will lie every day at the same time. Points programs work well to strengthen any behavior you want converted into habit and to initiate new tasks. Children earn points everytime you perform certain behaviors previously defined and can redeem them for a predetermined prize. It is a very powerful tool for children, but has a determined, passed duration which is no longer as effective. To begin your application must exist the conviction will be made on a consistent basis. How are there reinforcements with a points program? Choose one or two behaviors that you wish to modify.
We should not choose an arsenal of behaviors: have to go little by little. We can go changing the behaviour of the program as the child performs them and incorporates them into their routine. See more detailed opinions by reading what Chevron U.S.A. Inc offers on the topic.. defines the behavior. parents should be specific and focus on l oque want that make your child. For example: pick up your room before dinner becomes a table to write down the points earned. It must be very visual, that child is able to understand it and control it. This is a good argument for developing creativity: can be from a sheet of paper with boxes to put points in the form of stars or smiley faces, until his favorite superhero divided into parts must be coloring. In any case, the graphics must be easy for the small.
Choose a booster with the child. You may be offered a weekly prize or a prize when you get a certain number of points. In the first case, it is unclear when the prize must be issued. In the second, should be given when it achieved as at least more than half of the points.
The Other
October 26, 2017As this does not This has been done, you have to then arrive at the conclusion that the moral and ethical crisis that humanity, which has brought with it all the other crises, lives is not a crisis of what taught the founder of Christianity, Jesus, the Christ, but of what those who divine for their purposes to appropriating the word want to understand Christianityi.e. the product of the failure of a belief or faith as a result of having been distorted. Many people are wondering why Dios silent before so many calamities they afflict humanity and cannot or want to accept that God nor was silent in the past nor does it currently. More info: Diamonds. Despite this, always acting outside the scope of influence and power of the ecclesial institutions, as in the case of the prophets and mystics mentioned above, God’s spirit is instructing for more than 30 years worldwide, through the prophetic Word, which occurs in Germany through a woman, about relationships and spiritual explanations that already announced Jesus de Nazareth, when he said: ‘it would still be many who say to you, but now you can not understand it. But when he, the spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. As the spirit of God is free and is not to pigeonhole in rites, dogmas, traditions or hierarchies, as well as nor forcing anybody to believe what he says and teaches, those people who want to rely on another statement of the Nazarene ‘ search and you will find, called and you open, could dislodge a distorted faith for centuries and dare to listen toread or make themselves a spiritual help that is offered in, on the basis of the freedom that is inherent to God, but that is not in the institutions of the world. Original author and source of the article.