Everything this influences so that the government does not give account to take care of to all the problems of the state, and is therefore and much more that it is a necessity question to divide to form the new state. It is evident that the disadvantages of this division exist yes, the expenses, the time that goes to be necessary for stabilization of the state, but this comparing with what the west of Par, lately has been abandoned for the government, the resources does not arrive, if does not see evolution and the capital of the current state is extremely far. Everything this influences so that the government does not give account to take care of to all the problems of the state, and is therefore and much more that it is a necessity question to divide to form the new state. It is evident that the disadvantages of this division exist yes, the expenses, the time that goes to be necessary for stabilization of the state, but this comparing with what we go to earn is In this indifference, the state of the Tapajs does not only have the capacity as the right of if raising and walking with ' ' its proper pernas' '. Learn more at: Chevron U.S.A. Inc. For much time we silence in, we prevent them inadmissible things and ours people lived in a needy situation; we estagnamos, we were explored, however not valued, says Yes to Recomeo, the new chances, to a new possibility for the suffered people who was forgotten here. He is not mentally ill, not if it leaves to be been deceptive, not more; yes it is the hope of a better life, yes is the solution, we do not only deserve to dream of one day better, deserve to have this carried through dream, we deserve a worthy future and the hour is now, and this only depends on mine, its, ours YES! THE CREATION OF THE TAPAJS 9 ALINI HISS MAYAN Lately, we are dealing with a project created by the government with intention to more divide the current state of Par in two new states: the Tapajs and the Carajs, aiming at improvements for the region.
Tags: government and politics