Grow fresh vegetables in their own garden and be able to eat healthy with them is an excellent idea. The cultivation of vegetables is not difficult, why people have done so since ancient times, when there were no markets to buy vegetables and fruits for food. What do plants need? Sun: Vegetables should receive the light and heat of the Sun directly for 6 to 8 hours a day, therefore it will be better to place them on a site suitable for this purpose. Water: We must irrigate with water vegetables every day because they need this vital liquid on a regular schedule so that the leaves will not dry out and become brittle. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from RioCan . Soil: Is the most important of a garden, because plants are developed throughout the year when the soil is rich in organic matter. There they will grow strong and also free from diseases and pests. Therefore you must make sure that the soil is ready or nourish him properly to enable the plants to develop well.
We must also take into account that vegetables do not like the floor damp or overpasses. It should be leveling the ground first and also form barriers so the water comes not from other sources rather than the garden. Tools: Although what you need for your vegetable garden is nothing complicated, however, must have the necessary tools for planting vegetables and for his daily care. You basically need a shovel, a rake, a hose, a palette, a hoe, a slotted spoon, stakes and a mower. Fence: It is necessary that the area where they will grow vegetables is children and pets ride games-free, you can therefore create a fence or with plants with networks of wire or other material which at the same time protect their crops and do not give an unpleasant appearance to your garden.
While more practical purchase with your vegetable garden more will feel attracted / or by this activity, especially when you can reap its fresh fruits to prepare the meal of the day, without having to go to the market for them. In addition the satisfaction of eating healthy products is a luxury that not every family can give. Article written by Alicia de la Torre for. elclasificado. com The rated him offers informational and educational articles for the Latino community: articles on health, self-improvement and tips, latest laws of immigration, financial information, healthy recipes, sports, reviews of film, cultural calendar, classes and community events. Related emeequis blogs initiate procedures for sanction against the hours lost criticism and news film driving motorcycles, Physics (1) rich fruits and vegetables Milk nest Blog articles cream of vegetable life and health Ratatouille of vegetables Minister Von Baer reiterates that there are no figures official ya go 230 persons in pre-trial detention for participating in positive Balance of the VII rake of Stocks of season of rice with chicken and vegetables Potito PequeRecetas