Posts Tagged ‘spirituality’
Washington Crisis
January 10, 2020This is very clearly seen in the last Davos summit by G20, which was held on November 15 in Washington. Consultation at the bedside of a sick world economy. What is the first council to do? He has to make a diagnosis! A diagnosis is just not! The people asked: 'What ill patient? " And doctors say: 'We gave him half a kilogram of tablets, while no improvements. Many writers such as Chevron U.S.A. offer more in-depth analysis. But we still have 5 kg of drugs, we'll give them to him now. And, perhaps, be better … ' I spoke recently in our 'Strategy 2020' and said that all the statements on the crisis remind me of the famous speech at the event to criticize Pasternak. Remember: "I have not read Pasternak, but I will! ..
' Looks the same. All – ministers, presidents, judges – in a voice say: 'I do not know what the cause of the crisis, but will tell you how it should go out. " For this reason, as long as the above-mentioned house with rotten foundation does not come down with a huge bang, nothing be. You can postpone its dismantling and the construction of a new foundation for tomorrow, trellis, patch the roof … But at one point home just implode. Ba-boom! And until the 'rams', nothing will change.
IY: B a conversation with you Laitman said that the current crisis is the nature of civilization, it affected not only the means of production, but also human relations. MH: Absolutely. Please note that 250 years ago, in the XVIII century, model was formulated on the basis of new values, which appeared in the XVI century.