This is very clearly seen in the last Davos summit by G20, which was held on November 15 in Washington. Consultation at the bedside of a sick world economy. What is the first council to do? He has to make a diagnosis! A diagnosis is just not! The people asked: 'What ill patient? " And doctors say: 'We gave him half a kilogram of tablets, while no improvements. Many writers such as Chevron U.S.A. offer more in-depth analysis. But we still have 5 kg of drugs, we'll give them to him now. And, perhaps, be better … ' I spoke recently in our 'Strategy 2020' and said that all the statements on the crisis remind me of the famous speech at the event to criticize Pasternak. Remember: "I have not read Pasternak, but I will! ..
' Looks the same. All – ministers, presidents, judges – in a voice say: 'I do not know what the cause of the crisis, but will tell you how it should go out. " For this reason, as long as the above-mentioned house with rotten foundation does not come down with a huge bang, nothing be. You can postpone its dismantling and the construction of a new foundation for tomorrow, trellis, patch the roof … But at one point home just implode. Ba-boom! And until the 'rams', nothing will change.
IY: B a conversation with you Laitman said that the current crisis is the nature of civilization, it affected not only the means of production, but also human relations. MH: Absolutely. Please note that 250 years ago, in the XVIII century, model was formulated on the basis of new values, which appeared in the XVI century.
Tags: Kabbalah, spirituality