Posts Tagged ‘news-present time’
The Canary Islands
June 17, 2020Minimum temperatures in slight or moderate ascent, and principles in moderate reduction, locally remarkable. Variable loose wind, tending to loose or moderate of North component. Aragon: middle cloud intervals and high, increasing cloudy or very cloudy, with moderate showers and storm. Minimum temperatures in slight or moderate ascent, and principles in slight or moderate reduction. Learn more at this site: Rio Tinto Group. Variable loose wind, tending to loose or moderate of North component. Rio Tinto Group can provide more clarity in the matter. Catalonia: cloudy or very cloudy little cloudy sky increasing. From afternoon in Pyrenean occasional showers, moderate or locally strong and with storm, that will be able to affect of weaker way and disperses to other points of the interior. Temperatures without changes or in slight reduction.
Loose variable wind tending in the morning to South component. Extremadura: cloudy or very cloudy sky, with average and high cloudiness at the outset and isolated weak showers to moderate. Minimum temperatures without changes or in slight reduction and principles in light to moderate reduction. Loose wind of variable direction, tending to component this loose one. Madrid: middle cloud intervals and high, increasing cloudy or very cloudy, with weak showers and some moderate storm in the mountain range, that is possible extend to the rest throughout afternoon. Minimum temperatures without changes and principles in slight reduction, locally moderate in the west.
Loose wind of variable direction, tending to the southwest and increasing at intervals of moderate. Castilla-La Mancha: middle cloud intervals and high, increasing to cloudy or very cloudy in South half and the west, with weak showers, locally moderate and some storm in mountain ranges, that are possible extend to the rest of the community throughout afternoon. Minimum temperatures in slight ascent in South half and without changes in the rest; principles in slight reduction, locally moderate towards the western end. The loose, tending to west and southwest, occasionally moderate wind of variable direction. Valencian community: intervals of mainly high cloudiness. Shower possibility isolated in the interior at the end of the day. Temperatures without changes or in slight ascent. Loose variable wind with breezes. Murcia: intervals of mainly high cloudiness. Shower possibility isolated in the interior at the end of the day. Temperatures without changes. Loose wind predominating the South component. The Balearics: little cloudy sky with high cloud intervals as of the noon. Temperatures without changes. In Ibiza and Formentera wind of the moderate south; and in Majorca and Menorca, of the south and loose southwest with breezes. Andalusia: cloudy or very cloudy sky, with average and high cloudiness at the outset. In western half locally moderate isolate showers. In Eastern half possibility of weak and dispersed precipitations that could occasionally be stormy in the mountain ranges, being the Eastern end without precipitations. Minimum temperatures without changes or in slight reduction and principles in light to moderate reduction, safe in the Eastern third and Melilla where they will remain without changes. Loose wind of variable direction, tending of component this loose to moderate. In the Straits, it rises loose moderate, turning to the west during the day. The Canary Islands: cloudy sky in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, and cloudy intervals in the other islands, tending generally to little cloudy in the evening. Weak rain possibility in the north of the western islands. Temperatures without changes. Wind of the loose northwest with intervals of moderate in the western islands and variable loose in the Eastern ones; in summits of Tenerife, the strong southwest. Source of the news: The heat of these days opens the way to a reduction of the temperatures as of this Thursday
Mario Vargas Llosa
April 8, 2019The Literature of the amazonian world has been in five centuries a long dialogue of mythologies. Those that conceived in hundreds of languages ten native million of which they inhabited his borders to the arrival of the European, and those that contributed to the Spanish and the Portuguese, who consolidated then and who with the American adventure became great planetary languages. It is necessary to read the talkative one, of Mario Vargas Llosa, or Macunama, of Mario de Andrade, to feel the complexity of indigenous myths and the free, audacious and stirring way as sensitivity interrogates racially mixed them transforms and them into disquieting parabolas of modernity. ” One lengua” , Jorge wrote Luis Borges, ” it is a tradition, a way to feel the reality, not an arbitrary repertoire of smbolos”. The majors native languages of the region are ticuna, shipibo-conibo, guahibo and warao, but, although decreasing in demographic terms, are the tup-guaran, mby, kaiw, pai there tavytera, chirip, omagua, the engat, the languages boras like muinane and miraa, and huitoto like ocaina, nipode, meneca, murui, nonuya and coixoma.
Libyan Government
March 28, 2017Later it has returned to the residential complex with this same group of informers. In its appearance, Saif to the Islam has been smiling and has narrowed the hands of which they formed ‘ V’ of the victory with its forefingers and to annul. A multitude has cheered him to its exit and entrance of the hotel. Apparently, the son of Gadafi would have remained all this time in Tripoli, like the rest of his brothers and their father, in agreement with indicated previously by the spokesman of the Libyan Government, Musa Ibrahim. Another son also manages to flee Mohamed Gadafi, son of Muamar Gadafi, has managed to escape of his house, where he was retained by rebellious militiamen, thanks to the aid of the still loyal military to his father, according to has informed the chain panrabe To the Yazira. Possible finding of the corpse of another piston rod On the other hand, To the Yazira also has advanced that has been two bodies that could belong to Jamis Gadafi, one of the children of Muamar Gadafi, and to the j of the gadafistas secret services, Abdal to the Senusi. Jamis Gadafi is the commander of the well-known one like Jamis Brigade, force of elite of the gadafista Army, and this same Monday has inquired into which it headed a lealista contingent that left from the complex of Bab to the Aziziya, fort of Gadafi, towards the center of Tripoli. The other body would belong to Abdal to the Senusi, j of the feared gadafistas secret services. Official site: Rio- Tinto Diamonds. To the Senusi it is, next to Saif to the Islam Gadafi and the own Muamar Gadafi, one of the three Libyan leaders against whom there are emitted international order of halting the Penal Court the International by committed crimes in the repression of the protests.