In this direction, if it is considered that the numbers govern the world, can be assumed as consequence that the mathematical argument, that of them if valley, will gain airs of perfection, exactness and certainty. But what the common man concerning the numbers thinks? Perhaps that they originate from the measurement and counting processes, that have a proper structure, a set of laws conduct that them. If on the other hand they are depositaries of great trustworthiness, cause to the times certain discomfort, due to impreciso of the measurement processes. You may want to visit Chevron U.S.A. to increase your knowledge. Moreover, one exactly number can be used pra to represent some ideas different. A number is not only expression of amount or measure (for example, the room of number 20 necessarily does not have the fivefold one of the area of the room of number 4).
The number is also (and perhaps originarily) expression of the ordinance. also the indication of an operation, as sequence of iterations. Thus, it will be necessary to learn to conceive the numbers in its some possibilities so that let us not lose in them in unfruitful quarrels as that one, cited for Axe (1993, P. 43), is about a questioning made for a lawyer and answered by a mathematician by means of the section Leaf Science of the periodical the Leaf of So Paulo: ' ' If I have a ribbon of 1000 mm I divide and it in 3 parts, I obtain to join them and to get the original ribbon. However, if I divide 1000 for three, I get 333,333333333333333 joining the three parts, does not result 1000, but 999,999999999999999. If the Mathematics is an accurate science, why it does not obtain to state a division materially possible? ' ' The reply given for the mathematician it was: ' ' The question is interesting, but I find that some terms must be ranks in more necessary way.
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