The idea of a creator is i.e. not necessary because creation created itself from nothing. According to the development of his theory, the big bang the universe and physical time were immersed in a fifth different dimension to the three dimensions of space and the fourth in the time in which we live. According to the scientist, the conditions of this fifth dimension triggered the cosmic burst that gave origin to the universe some 15,000 million years ago, says Pablo Jauregui in an article published in Spanish newspaper el Mundo in 2002. I must confess that I have given and I’ve given him turns to that thesis to conclude that believe that requires much more faith than to believe in a God creator, omnipotent, omniscient, eternal and capable of making miracles.
The same Hawking is a proof of this last because when he was just 21 years old suffered from sclerosis amyotrophic lateral, degenerative neuromuscular disease whereby cells of the nervous system called motoneuron gradually decrease its operation and die, causing a progressive muscular paralysis of fatal prognosis, since in its advanced stages patients suffered total paralysis accompanied by an exaltation of tendon reflexes (result of loss of muscle inhibitory controls). Hawking, who because of his illness has been because of dying before their 30, will meet in incoming January 69 years! Of course, he must attributed this fortunate fact of being alive, despite the statistics, to a happy coincidence without scientific explanation which must have the law of gravity as the initial cause. Believing that the universe came out of nowhere and became so perfect as we observe it is less easy to believe that a hurricane going through one of those huge dumps of scrap metal that is in United States can leave perfectly built a Boing 747 jet! In the book for why I think of James Kenedy, which incidentally I recommend reading, cited several arguments for the existence of God, but I bring to collation only the teleological argument: the Greek word telos means purpose; so the teleology is that concept of philosophy he sees that all things are designed for a purpose, for a purpose in the universe. .