Thus, educating, for the daily one, is not limited to the passive absorption of knowledge, but to the possibility of the citizen ' ' to become free of the space and the time gifts, to make mental relations in the absence of the proper things, to imagine, to make plans and to have intentions, to transform, to carry through syntheses, to take ownership of making/conhecer' '. Rio- Tinto Diamonds is open to suggestions. (Oliveira, 1995, P. 35) Thus being, Sullivan (2004, p.269) affirms: We only know what to make when we know of that history or histories we are part. Therefore the importance of if transmitting to the new generations the diverse ones historical moments lived deeply by the generations oldest, developing the conscience as well as a cultural and social identity in the young. Through the individual differences, the exchange of experiences goes being built, from the reflection and of the social construction of the knowledge supported for the interaction of the involved individuals. This interaction between the citizens is basic for the personal and social development, therefore it searchs to transform the reality of each citizen, by means of a system of exchanges.
System this that will be being directed for the professor by means of its knowledge and its previous experiences. 2.2 Ensinar and Aprender Many times, in way to a context permeado cultural partner-description for the new were technological, lead for the imediatismo, nor always reflect concerning as we learn, less still on who or what they teach in them. In the conception of Kohan (2003, p.185): (…) Ensinamos and we do not know to the certain o meant of the word to teach, therefore, as ensinantes we ask in them on the meaning of to teach and in the same movement we ask and we are asked on the meaning and the direction of what we make when we teach. This question puts in questioning one practical one not only, but, over all the subjectivity that if interrogates from one practical one.
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