J_sus gave to you. (Ef. 4.7? the favour was granted to each one of us according to ratio of dom of Christ.) Ajude to each of vocs to be productive, for cairdes in the futilidade and nor not to lose your intention to glorify Mr. D_us. (1Pe. 1.8 Because these things, existing in you and you increasing, make with that you are not nor inactive, nor infrutuosos in the full knowledge of ours Mr. Jesus Christ.) 2. A NECESSARY COMMITMENT These attributions will be for me a continuous challenge as your shepherd.
, So that I to shepherd obtain you effectively, however necessary also one becomes that each one of vocs, together with me and my family really let us desire to be shepherded by Mr. D_us Sl. 100.3. That let us be entirely submissos to the Word Mr. D_us, our only source and rule of practical faith and it let us not deviate in them nor for right, nor for the left Js. 1.7.
thus, each one of vocs, as well as all your families must assume the permanent COMMITMENT of: Obedecer integrally the Word Mr. D_us. Cuidar zealously of the vocs family. When necessary to communicate and to search pastoral aid for aconselhamento. not to much less lose the ternura in the home nor in the Church Mr. not to be proud. not to be rebellious opposition to me nor to the distinct one and loved Advice of the Church. Exercitar a life of continuous conjunct. Cultivar a life of persistent personal sanctification. Desejar burningly to walk inside of the will Mr. D_us. Aprender in the Word Mr. D_us concerning the direction and intention of your lives and deaths. To be ahead humiliated of the SEHOR D_us at those moments of crises and desperations. To be sincere in relieving the disaffections and problems in the aconselhamentos, searching answers in the wisdom of the Word Mr.
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