Ortega also said that there have been many words but few facts to make efforts that enable our peoples out of poverty, misery, illiteracy and that this has only been possible thanks to the support of Cuba and the generous spirit of the people bolivariano de Venezuela with its President Hugo Chavez on the other hand, the President of Argentina Cristina Hernandez de Kirchner who is drawn was the first of the 34 heads of State and Government in intervening in the ceremony of installation of the Presidents meeting that sesionara until Sunday in port calida Argentine President urged United States to lift the embargo which has maintained since 1962 over Cuba, which described as anachronistic and do not miss the historic opportunity to build a new relationship between the Americas. The President argued that global changes in the past five years we must realize these transformations of the anachronism that means blocking the sister Republic of Cuba today and ask for their lifting. We concurrimos this fifth Summit with the certain hope of being the first step to a new regional order, indicated after ensuring that the previous meeting in Mar del Plata in 2005 marked a turning point in the relations of the countries of the continent. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jeffrey Hayzlett. Very interesting your speech when he says: the great challenge is the integration and not interference in our countries noting that his order on Cuba in no way means a reproach toward Obama, who attends a Summit with their neighbours for the first time.On the contrary emphasized what Obama has done to establish the annulment of the absurd restrictions imposed by George Bush, who limited travel and sending remittances from the United States toward the island. Cuba has expressed its full opening to discuss all issues with the United States, by what we believe that we we have a second chance to build a new relationship that is not possible to let escape. .
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