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Supply Water
January 29, 2022The correct handling of the curtains allows the reduction of innumerable problems in the lot (LANA, 2000). Regulation of Bebedouros and Comedouros the height of the water throughs must daily be adjusted, so that it is to the level of the eyes of the chickens. The water level in the water throughs must be regulated, so that it does not have wastefulness of the water (APPLEBY et al, 2010). The regulation of the comedouros in turn, it is carried through to each three days, sends regards that to the superior edge of the comedouro calhe with the back of the birds, generally the ration will have to occupy 1/3 of the comedouros so that it does not have wastefulnesses (ROLL, et al, 2010). Source: Program of Light This type of program is determined in function of the ancestry, region, station of the year and handling predetermined for the producer, the used programs more in the cut poultry keeping, is: Supply of 18h of light per day; Supply of 20h/luz/dia; daily light, but intermittent control during the night; light 24h per day and only natural light. Reduction of the daily light in the summer is advised to it (SAINTS et al, 2009), and that the intensity of light for the birds is in the 15 order of 10 lmen/m (LANA, 2000).
Program of Feeding Is essential to follow a clear-cut plan of feeding. The ration must be peletizada, be triturated or farelada, balanced thus it takes care of the nutricionais necessities of the birds in each phase of creation; the ration must daily be placed in the comedouros and be bolted for attainment of a clean ration (SAINTS et al, 2009). Its storage must occur in clean, dry and aired environment, on estrados and lodged far from windows. The form more insurance to store the ration is in silos, not being able to exceed the period of 30 days (LANA, 2000).