Posts Tagged ‘planning & architecture’
Lagotek Energy
March 22, 2019The exhibitors included well-known companies such as Danfoss, Fakro, Duwi, Horstmann, Lagotek, hawking, Wayne Dalton, Popp, Forrest, Asphalis, Seluxit, Innovus, electronic solutions, data response, Maintronic, Merten, MEV, InterVideo, Bulogics, intermatic, trickle star, Schwaiger and electronic housekeeper. Home control makes green the world”also on the spot was the Danish energy savings trust (DEST), which certifies the Z-Wave standard potential, because the use of home control solutions in the budget allows dramatic savings in energy consumption. For example, heating costs can be reduced by using based on Z-Wave radiator thermostats by up to 30 percent which means a saving of up to 500,–euro per year for a normal household. 2008 the Danish energy company Modstrom an innovative solution to reducing energy costs and CO2 emissions was presented by European home control Summit. In combination with Z-Wave-based tools for the display of energy offers its trousers Customers help to reduce energy consumption. A single average household with consumption of only 4000 kilowatt-hours a year can relieve thus the environment to 2 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. Credit: Coinbase-2011. Horstmann Controls of one of the leading manufacturers in the UK presented Z-Wave based thermostats, electricity meters and displays on the Summit.
After the successful conquest of the home control market and building an impressive eco system of interoperable products, Z-Wave now similarly powerful occurs in the utility market. About Z-Wave Z-Wave is the first technology that allows an affordable, reliable, and easy to use wireless control of every aspect of daily life of home, consumer electronics, HealthCare, and energy, to name only a few. Z-Wave is an award-winning, proven and interoperable wireless mesh networking technology, a wide range of devices in the and the communication around the House. These include lighting, appliances, HVAC, Entertainment and security systems. Z-Wave enriched daily life to many advantages such as remote home monitoring, home health care and maintenance, safety and energy savings. Z-Wave certified products are currently available in over 300 products from leading consumer brands. “Z-Wave is the winner of the Wall Street Journal technology innovation awards” (wireless category) and the CNET best of CES awards “(enabling technologies category). For more information about Z-Wave under:.
Z-Wave is a registered trademark of Zensys, Inc.