Posts Tagged ‘fantasy i’


March 29, 2016

Dry matter of believing that eternal rock known or imagined, his immortal soul being divine force must be the breath of his mouth. It is night and day, darkness and light exist in the penumbra Debating be truth without error, someone who shines Transparency of God, "God who was surprised! other so there is a God! Root, every man in the universe Freedom Da a merit of virtue as human and divine. It makes you responsible for or may not be the fullness of their destiny. The freedom of God looks in the mirror of man. Perhaps, also reflects his greatness. a The hands take their destiny is bigger than all that has been created, Freedom in action, God has given the charge as is his divine being. Indicating the way to go Conscience is the voice that is silent, Guideline that following never fails as absolute force of duty.

Mal choose the abyss who slips, if it rises to the summit and does not slide man decision, as immortal Fullness steps, saw a gala! Don to AOH Creator! to the greatness of the man his freedom. a Eternity shared his being uncreated God shares in all that has created and man, also privacy. God seems hidden in itself is also hidden in the human soul. Their presence makes ineffable winter spring. Lair of his being and everlasting nest. Huge a created the universe and knowing what the soul is written, it is not so great man in his infinite small condition.