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Cabinet Protection
November 19, 2017The first digit represents the amount of protection against solid objects (powder) that offers the closet, while the second digit refers to the amount of protection offered against liquids. These are the numerical score for each digito:primero protection IP levels digit description of the level 0 protection without protection – 1 protected against foreign objects of 50 mm diameter and mayores.2 protected against foreign objects 12.5 mm diameter and mayores3 protected against foreign solid objects of 2.5 mm diameter and protected against foreign objects mayores4 solid solid solid 1 mm in diameter and larger. 5. Protection against polvo6 strong protection against dust second digit description of the protection level 0 no protection – 1 protected against vertically falling drops of water. 2 Protected against falling vertical water droplets when Cabinet is tilted up to 15 .3 protected against spraying required.4 protected against splashes of agua5 protected against jets of water6 protected against powerful jets water.7 protected against the effects of temporary immersion in agua.8 protected against the effects of continuous immersion in water. It is not only of dust and liquids that the cabinets for industrial computers can be protected. Many cabinets are designed and built to protect against theft and vandalism, perfect for any TI left in public or in vulnerable areas, such as digital signage or information points.
These cabinets must be solidly constructed and best engineering materials to ensure their durability. Do not ask a manufacturer of possible types of places where your boxes are located? Other considerations when choosing Cabinet industrial PC for a place specific, are the possibility of extreme temperatures. In some industrial areas of machinery and processes generate excess heat is the reason why many industrial computer cabinets are equipped with additional cooling systems. Some are even fencing installed in hot ovens and other rooms. If the location for your industrial PC is affected by extreme temperatures so ensure adequate additional cooling comes equipped with closet. In conditions too cold as refrigerators and freezers cabinets can be equipped with additional heating elements to maintain a stable temperature of work for the it team. Protect from strong impacts is also another consideration for a wardrobe located in industrial zones.
A careless swipe of a forklift or other heavy risks of impact are all often common in industrial areas, reason why many customers seek a Cabinet for steel computer above another form of data protection industry. Some cabinets are designed to operate in explosive atmospheres and are tested to European directives ATEX guarantee that they are safe to use explosives in areas of risk. There are many manufacturers of industrial equipment, but unfortunately many cabinets use cheap and poor engineering materials that reflects both the price and the quality of their products. There is no reason to make a closet for industrial PC, located in a large industrial zone should not last a lifetime if it is correctly manufactured and must be able to withstand almost anything. In the search for suppliers of cabinets the most effective method of ensuring that they can provide you with the right product for you is to ask them what other places their wardrobes have been installed. Most manufacturers will be happy to offer testimony of support and examples of durability and the quality of its products sold previously.