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First Energy Summit
June 14, 2016In Brussels on the subsidiarity in energy policy Brussels (B) moves, April 29, 2010 – the Assembly of European regions (AER), the Ministry for the environment, nature conservation and transport Baden-Wurttemberg as well as GE Energy have today opened the energy summit of European regions. This event, which symbolizes the increasingly important role of regional diplomacy for sustainable development and expressed the growing subsidiarity in energy policy at European level, is the culmination of a year in which public and private actors in the field of energy in unprecedented ways have worked. “Two days to the regions of Europe the energy of tomorrow” to bring this first meeting, which will be held once a year in the future, is unique in Brussels; It is a crucial stage in the renewal of the regional energy policies. Here shows what contribution does the inter regional diplomacy, even if at the international negotiations on the climate Trouble has to adopt a binding agreement. For these two days, 300 policy makers of the regions and European energy experts come together to discuss the role of the regions in the development of strategies to protect of the environment and to present meaningful regional practices in this area. This meeting shows the responses of the regions on the current and future challenges in the field of energy and continues the work of the actions conducted by the AER and GE Energy 2009 in Belfort and then in Copenhagen. The two main objectives of the energy day regions of Europe are: Acquisition of regional responses to the challenges in the energy sector in Europe and concrete recommendations on the following three key parameters: energy efficiency, security of supply and reduction of CO2 promotion of democracy at regional level in terms of on the challenges relating to energy and the environment among the participants of this energy summit are Tanja Gonner, Environment Minister of Baden-Wurttemberg, Michele Sabban, President of the Assembly of European regions, Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for regional policy, Ricardo Cordoba, President of GE Energy for Western Europe and North Africa, Steve Howard, CEO of the climate group, and Knud Andersen, Vice President of the Chamber of regions, Congress of local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe. .