Rio Society

Expressions as ' ' conflict urbano' ' they show that, for the society Brazilian, the conflict badly is seen, and the society again waits the return of the interrupted order, following our holista and hierarchic tradition. Gomes considers novels as an instrument of social navigation. Its vision on the consecration of this narrative sort in the Brazilian society can below be summarized by the paragraph: ' ' Such consecration means to say that in these three decades ' ' to attend novelas' ' , in the different schedules where they are presented daily, one became, between us, more than what a habit. It is as a daily ritual, not limited only to a group, classroom or social class of the Brazilian society. Spread out between all the social segments, the soap operas had become in elapsing of these years privileged subjects conversational, obligator subject, exactly that it was for some to disagree with its implications politics, ideological and cultural, therefore one ' ' problematic obrigatria' ' (GOMES, 1998, P. 12).

' ' Thus, he is not surprise to perceive that the soap operas influence fashions and customs in the Brazilian society, spreading out symbols and signals of modernity. Still in the decade of 1970, at the time of the novel dancin Days, as in the Hamburger sample, to use the striped stockings of the main personages meant ' ' to be on the inside ' ' , it expressed the desire to participate of ' ' Brazil of futuro' ' that, at that time, he was seen as the final destination of ' ' miracle brasileiro' '. Clone, in 2002, placed in fashion typical clothes of the Arab peoples, as well as the constant images of Rio De Janeiro and of Morocco, that if alternated in the screen, I appeal they strengthen it increasing that the industry of the tourism exerts.
