This was becoming an adventure type Rally Dakar. Much of the traffic was through us in the opposite direction, cars, motorbikes and vans (that pass the buses here) what it is hoped that you were heading the right way. About 6 kilometers reached the Summit and We started our decent site and he finally caught the Lake we were looking for. Soon found himself with a closed Lake small and check out. It was small, crowded income and paid, gave us a failure and continued until the great Lake. Very soon it became evident that the road was not the lagoon, but that he circumnavigated at a distance of 2.1 km! We finally found someone to ask for the path to the Lake.
It turned out that it was one of the guards that surround the Lake so that no one came! It was shut down, off the field, outside the limits. This was a spectacular Lake, surrounded by spectacular mountains, but like so many things in this country was closed to human appreciation. Us disappointed measure our steps and wanting to take a bath (it was a hot day) decided to stop at the small lake that had gone before. Closer we saw a Lake nearby, so he got it. It is only for children man the door told us. I looked at Olga and Olga looked at me! This place in the middle of nowhere There were saunas and jacuzzis. And is for children? Do good Olga is in this country, but she was just as baffled as I am we had a hope, the Lake had been dismissed earlier, as it approached found that it had closed? They were 5 o’clock a broiling summer day? We have seen a lot of cars parked a little later and check that another form of money sans was discovered. It was hot, that is hot, and so we went in the hand towels.