Legislative Decree

Amongst these gases, they are the carbon dioxide (CO2), the methane (CH4), the nitrous oxide (N2O), perfluorcarbonetos (PFCs), hidrofluorcarbonetos (HFCs) and also hexafluoreto of sulphur (SF6), (id and ibid). In this occasion, the countries had been separate in accordance with its levels of development, which are: the developed countries and they pasesem development. Oprimeiro of them is elencado in the Attached I, having considered itself to reduce it its total emissions of 6 (six) gases of effect greenhouse, to at least revert 5% of the levels of 1990 until the years of 2008 and 2012 (TO SOUND, 2003). Whereas, the developing countries are inserted in the group of the Not Attached I, where Brazil is enclosed. These had been called to adopt measured so that the necessary increase of its emissions are restricted for the introduction of adjusted solutions, aiming at for this, financial resources and access to the technology of the industrialized countries (MILAR, 2007). After established the goals, the Protocol of Kyoto was disponibilizado for the signature of the countries in day 16 of March of 1998. This document, however would only enter in vigor after signature of, at least, 55 countries (integrant of the parts of the convention), which would have to ratify the agreement carried through in the city of Kyoto, since its validity alone could occur if the subscriber countries added 55% of the total emissions of carbon dioxide in 1990.

In July of 2004, 124 (one hundred and twenty and four) countries had ratified the document, however the total addition of emissions of these countries did not exceed 44.2%. It was needed, therefore of that more countries ratified this Pact, so that it started to only be valid therefore after signature of Russia the document entered in vigor, dated in 16 of February of 2005 (SIRVINSKAS, 2011). In Brazil, the normative text of the Protocol of Kyoto was promulgated by the Decree n 5,445/2005, later that the National Congress approved the text for the Legislative Decree n 144/2002.
