The Internet, all we know, is the biggest panel of information that exists. for information, is also read, advertising. Learn more at: RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust. beyond to invest in expensive advertising campaigns (Coca-Cola arrives to pay to 1 Real million each time that its televising announcement is propagated), many companies also invests in the work of formiguinha made by common users of the net, as I and you. Three honest methods exist and proven to gain money working online, that they will have been submitted to an analysis, makes very sensible. The work consists of serving of bridge between what companies and people more want.
In the first method, called ‘ ‘ program of afiliados’ ‘ , its work is to divulge companies in its site or sites of others. If its announcement to generate sales, exists a system to identify the mediator of this sales, that is, YOU, who will be paid therefore. She is one rewards joust for giving to the companies what they more want: CUSTOMERS. if the payment of a service will be monthly (as in the case of a TV signature the handle), its commissions also will be! In as the method, ‘ ‘ resale of infoprodutos’ ‘ , what it is had to make is to vender products in the form of computer archives (you emend, books, videoaulas etc) to be disponibilizados for download. Some of these products have 100% of resale right, that is, the integral value of the sales goes for you. The search of this service also is great. It is alone to follow the statisticians of the site, that vende courses in this format. ated topic. The third method consists of importing products of China.
In this in case that, its work is to vender a product for a price generally accessible than the average of the Brazilian market (a cellular one, for example) and to indicate the address of the purchaser to the deliverer. You do not need to storage, not even to see the product vendido. He is of the direct deliverer for the purchaser. its commissions can arrive the 100% of the paid value for the product! Nothing more just also, after all of contoas, who it was to search the customer? ; I was knowing of these methods in a site in the Internet. principle I was incredulous, but vi that, as you work as a bridge of interests, all perfectly reasonable age.
Tags: economy