After all: does it mean a Holy week? The longest bridge in the year? The return of those who study outside? The full occupancy of the hotels? The maximum point of tourism in hot Earth? One opportunity further to increase the sale of alcoholic beverages? It means all of the above but it is much more. In these so-called Holy days the Christian world celebrates the two most important events in the Ministry of Jesus: his death on the cross of Calvary and his resurrection three days later. He ran the year 33 a.d., Palestinian was revolutionized by the presence of a galileo who preached love, did see the blind, lifted to the paralyzed and freed the possessed. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with The Hayzlett Group. The authorities of the Sanhedrin were extremely concerned because Jesus constituted is a challenge to his power as you want that denied powers had taken to mere mortals like forgive sins and to exercise his Ministry even the days on Saturday. 4921384075002653%2CVSRPtargetId%3A2687503%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Karen Edwards. It was expected that you for the celebration of Easter the preacher and his friends would come to Jerusalem and could win more converts of those who already had in the population. They were not wrong, Jesus came to Jerusalem and not taken away for a moment to preach his message of love and salvation. During that week the facts are developed with a film speed: Jesus made his triumphal entry to Jerusalem, curses the sterile fig, rebukes to the merchants of the temple, shares the parables of the sterile fig tree and the wicked husbandmen, controvierte with Pharisees and Sadducees, reveals its position with respect to the payment of taxes, explain most of the commandments, foretells the destruction of the templeHe is anointed with perfume of Alabaster, celebrated the last supper, predicts Peter’s denial, is arrested, appear before Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod, dies on the cross, resurrected, appears to his disciples, instituted the great Commission and ascends to the right hand of Dios Padre. Yes Sir, all these events occurred in a short period of time.
Humanity recalls the largest offering of God for men: the life of his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but you have everlasting life. Do you think that God is happy when he sees humanity commemorates the death of his son with partying and walks? Of course not. Prayer is the best way to thank God for his immense sacrifice.
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