Quantitative Customer

Thus, we can say that the analysis of sales in terms of new and existing customers using very often – or rather, almost always. This issue is a mandatory component of the general scheme of analysis. The very same question in the immediate work can be formulated in different ways. For example, who "often buy", "Who is the greatest buys "on the number of purchases (transactions), who" buy more "on income, profit, etc. But the first and most important question – it's sales. In other cases, if possible, contribution margin is calculated. And in the third stage considers the quantitative characteristics, such as the number of transactions, purchases, shipments, payments, etc. But when processing the available data inevitably appears a technical problem – and how determine who is a new client, who is old? And anyway, at what point we can assume that the buyer is already a customer? And what's old client – which bought the once upon a time, or who buys all the time? For example, a customer can be considered a customer who shipped the goods, but have not received the money for it? On the other hand, got the money, but not yet shipped the goods to him? Or – can it be considered a client company with whom a contract, but which has not had a service? This article provides an overview of how this distinction. To date, there are two such ways. We call them "short" and "detailed" short way to distinguish between new and old In this case, customers 'new' customer is the one who paid for the first time.
