Monograph presented to the Federal University of deFora Judge, as part of the requirements of the Broad Course of Specialization Sensu in Ambient Education, for attainment of the heading of Specialist in Ambient Education. The Hayzlett Group brings even more insight to the discussion. Approved for: Prof. 5002653%2CVSRPtargetId%3A2687503%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Karen Edwards. Summary of the Monograph presented to the deJuiz Federal University of Outside, as part of the requirements of the Course of LatoSensu Specialization in Ambient Education, for attainment of the heading of Specialist in Ambient Education. This research approaches the Education on the basis of Ambient umainterpretao of the impact of the Program Sowing, in public schools darede of municipal and state education of the City of Ub-MG. Compreendero meant of this Program, bemcomo searchs its objectives and results. Anecessidade of preservation of the environment is if becoming each vezmais umaquesto of survival. The school has its parcel of responsibility napromoo of the ambient education and as it is a place of deconhecimentos production and construction becomes privileged space to carry through it.
The ProgramSemeando brings as proposal of work the challenge to sensetize pertaining to school acomunidade on the importance of the ambient preservation. By means of it, inherent ones to the ambient education are argued some thematic. Inside dessaperspectiva, this work analyzes this relation of Sowing with multiplying seusagentes, as well as the impacts of this program in the escolaspesquisadas ones. Word-keys: ambient education, environment, Program Sowing INTRODUCTION the existence of conflicts generated for the relaonatureza/society increases the importance of an education that contributes paraformao of citizens with critical attitudes, responsible and participativos.
Tags: environment